A Sunday Well Spent: Setting Yourself Up for the Best Week Ever.

Ahh the dreaded Sunday Scaries, dropping in completely uninvited each week to put a damper on our weekend. Sometimes they stop in during brunch as we knock back our fourth mimosa (wait, didn’t we promise ourselves we’d only have three?). Other times, the Scaries creep up as we are trying to wind down for the evening. There you are just lying in bed minding your own business, and then suddenly the thought of Monday starts looming over your head, making it impossible to get a good nights sleep. Regardless of when they hit and regardless of whether or not we like (tolerate?) our jobs, the idea that Monday is creeping slowly but surely towards us is enough to set us into a state of despair and panic.

When it comes to the weekend, the overwhelm of wanting to do all the things in your two days of freedom can be exhausting. It tends to be easiest to jump into “let loose” mode and fill our schedules with socializing and fun. Dinner dates, parties, breweries, shopping trips, girls nights- really anything to help us leave the hectic work week in our past and mask the thoughts of the work week ahead. While I am all for some fun, I’ve really come to understand the need (yes NEED) for balance between fun and rest. Because, yes, unless you are hitting Keno big this weekend, quitting your job and heading to the Bahamas, the impending work week is coming in hot. So, why not control what we can and set ourselves up for success? Creating and sticking to these five simple Sunday habits will ensure you are ready to tackle the work week head on.

“A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.”

– Proverb

Stock your fridge and pantry with nourishing foods

sliced avocado fruit on white surface
Photo from Pexels.com

We’ve all been there. All of the plans that we make for the weekend gets the best of us and we wake up on Monday exhausted and ill prepared for the week. One of the biggest habits that is a non-negotiable for me is making sure that I go grocery shopping. The best way to ensure that your week is filled with healthy, vitamin packed foods is to have them readily available in your home! Setting yourself up for success early on in the week will help make creating nourishing meals easier when you are desperately scouring the fridge, or worse, picking up the phone and Door Dashing the quickest deliverable item you see. Stocking your kitchen with healthy options doesn’t have to mean meal prepping either. When I think of meal prepping I think of plastic containers filled with the same boring foods, expected to be eaten for the next 5 lunches. Variety is the spice of life! When we add a variety of colors, textures, and flavors to our diet, we are increasing the chances of getting all of our body’s necessary vitamins and minerals. Instead, focus on washing and cutting veggies, creating smoothie packs, making energy balls (recipe coming soon!), and planning out dinners based on your schedule. I usually get home late from yoga on Wednesdays so I always plan for a super simple dinner of tacos, rice bowls, or salads.

Plan out your weekly fitness classes/movement

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Every Sunday, I take a look at the week ahead to figure out when I can work some movement into my schedule. I use the term movement because it sounds so much more enjoyable that the word exercise. More often than not, we tend to associate exercise with intense, sweat inducing HIIT classes, grunting in front of a weight rack, or running miles and miles on end. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be the case! When you think of movement, think of moving your body in a way that you love and look forward to because it makes you FEEL good. If you tell yourself the only way you are going to accomplish your fitness/health goals is by running and you HATE running then guess what? You are never going to run. Also, movement preferences are allowed to ebb + flow too. I used to love CrossFit and spending hours lifting weights in the gym. If you asked me to get in a squat rack right now I’d laugh in your face! These days my movement looks like yoga, light strength training, and walking. Taking time to plan out which yoga classes I can attend or when I can go on a long walk with my pup and adding these activities to my planner helps prioritize movement (and also doubles as time to myself!) in my otherwise hectic week.

Create a clean/calm space

white pillar candle
Photo from Pexels.com

I know, I know, cleaning on a Sunday sounds awful but hear me out. I’m not asking you to spend your day deep cleaning and scrubbing the baseboards. Instead, clear the clutter, put the dishes away, fold your laundry, run a quick vacuum, light a candle or sage your space. When we physically eliminate the clutter and mess from our surroundings, we are creating a more relaxing and stress free environment. When the space around us is calm and free of chaos, this allows our minds to be less chaotic too. If there is one thing that I have learned on my health coaching journey, is that a calm mind is a happy. With that being said, learn to eliminate clutter not only from your physical space but also from your mental space. Unfollow social media accounts that don’t bring you joy or create limiting beliefs.

Take some time to yourself + do what you love

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As a people pleaser and super charged empath (hi, I’m a Pisces, can you tell?) I have a terrible time saying no due to FOMO or disappointing someone. Since beginning my journey to become a certified health coach, I have learned and realized the mental, emotional, and physical toll that being a constant “yes-woman” can have on your well-being. Spending our weekends/ free time satisfying other’s need to fulfill their desires doesn’t leave much time to fulfill our own. Sunday is a time to spend my day doing all the things that I want to do. Sometimes this looks like laying in bed watching shows or movies that my boyfriend hates. Other times it looks like organizing, cooking and cleaning. It almost always looks like a slow morning filled with coffee (at home or out), a breakfast that I don’t always have time to prepare during the week and quiet time to read or work on my blog. Taking this time to focus on me and recharge from a week of being needed helps me ease into the new week ahead. Reconnecting with your self is necessary and it can’t ever be done if you are constantly pleasing others. Remember- you can’t pour from an empty cup!

Jot down 3 (or more!) things you would like to accomplish

cup of coffee and notebook with pen
Photo from Pexels.com

One of the things that I love about my health coaching sessions with Emily (check out her health coaching program here!) is that she starts every session with weekly wins. These wins don’t have to be huge or life changing situations. Instead, these wins can be small little victories or successes that you’ve achieved that make you feel empowered, fulfilled or accomplished in even the smallest way. Discussing these wins always make me feel SO much better regardless of the type of week that I thought that I had. I encourage you, at the beginning of your week, to think of 3-5 goals that you would like to focus on that will then turn into your own personal wins. Again, these don’t have to be huge goals! Maybe you want to wake up 30 minutes earlier 3 days a week so you can focus on meditating or journaling (quiet time to yourself before work is a game changer!). Maybe you want to call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Have you been wanting to devote more time to a hobby that fills your heart with happiness? (why don’t we do these things more??) Life is short. Start making it a habit to add joyfulness to your schedule and celebrate the small things.

Taking the time to focus on these 5 things (or even 1 or 2 of these things to start!) every Sunday won’t make Monday go away, but it will set you up with a clear head and allow you to stress a little less about everything coming your way. Consistency is key and small habits can create huge results. Happy Sunday everyone!

Do you do any of the above things already? Is there anything that you do that you can share to help make the work week run a little smoother for others?

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